Monday, August 3, 2009

Shelter or Puppy Mill?

These are disturbing photos taken at the shelter in Las Cruces, NM during the month of July 2009. You can see animals left in cages with no water and the floors covered with feces and other filth. The director, Dr. Beth Vesco-Mock, DVM, makes little effort to keep "her" facility clean for either the comfort of the animals or the health of both animal and humans who are in contact with this filth. There is also an abandoned house that the shelter uses to keep animals in. Reports from volunteers (an audio tape will be posted attesting to this) say that the carpet got so infested that it had to be torn out. When cages were moved maggot, cockroached, feces, urine and other filth was growing underneath them. Yet the animals were still kept there. Animals, if they were lucky, were out of their cages for about 5 minutes each day while their cages were being cleaned. Often they were not checked on again til the following day. If they knocked their water bowls over or pooped or peed in their cage they lived in it until a person (hopefully) came by 24 HOURS later to go through the same charade. I expect to see pictures like this from a mill bust, not from a "shelter" that is supposed to provide safely to the animals unfortunate enough to end up there.

The first 3 pics are from puppy mills. The cage is beyong filthy and one can only imagine the the horrors of being forced to live in it.

Puppy mill filth
Puppy mill filth
Puppy mill overcrowding

These were taken in July 2009 at the Animal Services Center of Mesilla Valley in Las Cruces, New Mexico after Dr. Beth Vesco-Mock was in charge for over a year.

LC Shelter 07/2009
LC Shelter 07/2009="LC Shelter 07/2009">
LC Shelter 07/2009


  1. There is absolutely no excuse for this abuse. I have never seen a shelter as bad as this one.

  2. There is no excuse to treat these animals with less care than personal pets or incarcerated humans. The City of Las Cruces should be ashamed of this document to their attention toward city responsibilities. If the can't even run a decent animal shelter, how can they possibly be taking care of their entire city?
    I live in a small community where the McPaw Animal Shelter is exemplary in it's care and professional handling. Most of their revenue comes from donations and fund raising. I'm sure they would share there organizational success if contacted by the City of Las Cruces.
    Eloris Chisholm-Wilhite, Executive Business Woman, McCall, Idaho

  3. This is deploreable. Can you imagine what the Director's home looks like if it is taken care of like the shelter and the poor pets she is responsible for? This is a moral issue. Only the DIRECTOR is responsible for photos like this. This is definitely extreme abuse and not a situation that happens in one night without care. Photos don't lie. The director is responsible for all that goes on within her shelter. This is poor management and poor management of the DIRECTOR. Someone needs to take responsiblity here and correct this problem immediately.

  4. i also volunteer at the shelter
    these photos were taken in the early morning before shelter staff was there to clean up
    and far as the carpet it was pulled up way before any animals were ever place in there.
    the room with the rabbits is the only one with any carpet.
    not making excuses just want the facts out.
    there surely is a problem with over crowding and i think the shelter staff is doing the best they can.
    it seems Animal Control is always there dropping off animals and the shelter can't seem to keep up.
    btw you should make clear that the first three photos are not from the shelter, it is not very clear and you make it seem that they are.

  5. Volunteer unless you witnessed what I saw you dont know what you are talking about. and yes I took the pics.Those cages weren't sanitized until after the dogs finally went to Denver. That is the ones that were lucky enough and weren't killed because they caught cold or were killed because they were crazed by not being let out for hours. There are others who witnessed these things and more and would'nt be afraid to testify.

  6. why are you posting photos like the first three and saying they are from the shelter.
    the pic with the pomie's there is a doggie door, there is no doggie door in the mobil home at the shelter.
    the pic with dogs stacked in crates, the mobile home has a vaulted ceiling not flat.
    and the pic with just fecal matter and mold, look at the wall in that pic, it is pressed wood paneling, the mobil home has dry wall.
    you do your cause a diservice by making it look like the shelter when it is not with these false photos. and what time were the other photos taken, perhaps early mornin before shelter staff was there to clean from the night before.

  7. Before someone comes to clean, those dogs were in those cages for 24 hours and then when they did clean one cleaner let them out for 5 minutes .That was the whole month of June and half of July. Finally towards the middle to third week of July a staff member was finally scheduled to let them out in the afternoon for prob 10 to 15 minutes.That still is 17 to 19 hours in those small discusting filthy cages.No water because many spilled it and had to lay in wet all night also feces and urine. Like I said I and others were there obviously you werent. If you read the caption it also says that the first 3 pics were from a puppy mill the rest were from the doublewide. They were comparing them.I guess you think like the director that nothing is wrong with keeping dogs or any animal in these stressed conditions. I guess I have to wonder about your ethics

  8. Hey Anonymous, If you had taken the time to read the entire statement, you would have seen the first three pics were posted to compare the filth in the shelter to that which you find in a typical puppy mill. Also, if it were not for Ms. Davis coming forth with those pics, there would not have been a frantic effort by shelter mgt. to clean up that mess and the animals would still be living in that filth.

  9. All the dogs at the shelter live in a streesfull condtion.If they didnt save the dogs in the house.then they died whats better life or death.Well now that renee has started this,the dogs that were to be saved for future rescue will probley not be saved at all thanks to renee. If i were the shelter i would not save more in there.So you people would stop lying.

  10. There are plenty of dogs to go to rescue. Such as the ones in AD that don't get to go to off site adoptions. So you don't know what you are talking about.Obviously who ever you are, why are you afraid to sign your name? I'm sure you didn't see the dogs how stressed they were and I guess you don't care but I do and I'm trying to do something about it.There are other things that happened that were inhumane also. You want to talk call me I'll talk to you unless you are afraid of the truth!!

  11. Send the ones from AD kill the one's from stray's good ideal.All you are doing is hurting the animals for you'er own selfish reasons.Dogs die every night, I don't see anybody trying to save them except Dr beth. And you people fight her all the way. A real careing person fights for the life of every animal not just one here and there when it fits you. Fight to save them all

  12. You obviously believe everything that the director tells you. She's great at threatening to kill animals when someone voices their concerns of how an animal is being kept. She has done it on many occasions.Like her you see nothing wrong with the inhumane treatment of how some animals are being kept and treated.It's not me killing 1000 animals a month. Again no name what are you afraid of.

  13. if you were actually rescueing animals and not just talking about it they probley would have to kill.But thats what you're good at all talk no rescue.What have you done but complan,people are to busey complaning about whats wrong, that's all they can or will do instead of asking how can we help.I see none of you people are true christains because they dont act like this they actualy help.With god in my heart im scared of nothing and surley not looking to get my name in the paper for fame.

  14. "Anonymous" doesn't spend much time at the shelter or he/she would know more about the horrible conditions for animals. This person is blindly following the pound master. Anyway the evidence is there: low adoptions, high killing and limited involvement at the shelter. People don't want to go to a pound where all they see is doom and gloom. Animals who rarely get out of their cages. Animals who don't go to rescue because the director plays favorites and only lets people take animals if she likes them. I guess "anonymous" is someone who breezes in to pick up an animal for foster and is out the door, doesn't have a clue anyway and uses pitiful low standards and pathetic comparisons to justify the appalling conditions. Go figure how some people get into animal work and accept something that is unacceptable.

  15. Does anyone know that Animal rights activist Marilyn Z.? Is she the same Marilyn Z. that worked at a rest home back east? Charged by police for abusing the elderly and stealing there money, I believe it is.

  16. Your right (dogman) Anonymous should have taken more time to read the entire statement, more carefully a few times, if need be I had to. Clearly those three top photos are meant to deceive the public to thinks they are pictures of the ASCMV.

  17. Does anyone know anything about feral cats? Do they make good pets? The local pet store in Las Cruces told me that the guy that runs a local cat rescue rehabilitates feral cat then provides the to the store for adoption. I didn’t know a feral cat could be rehabilitated to make a good pet. Could this be true?

  18. To the volunteer who took those pics. Renee Davis, how long did you have to wait for the dog to unload to take his pic? The 2 pics with dog in the crate with one pile. The other 2 Pics. didn’t even have a dog, just the one pile in a crate. Couldn’t you find better things to do with you time while you’re volunteering at the shelter? Actually help, maybe. If you were so horrified to see that pile in the crate with the dog. Then why didn’t you pick it up instead of take a pic of it and waste more time to post it. What are the duties of a volunteer? What are you trying to say with these pics? Answer me this: Should we blame the director for any/all piles that hit the floor?

  19. I watched the ASCMV meeting last night on the local channel 20 and after over four hours all the Animal Rights Activist has to complain about is the guy at the shelter isn’t qualified to work there because of what he’s wearing.Really, what a NUT!

  20. Another no name It's about the 17,19,and 24 hours these dogs had to stay in these small cages !What did you do about it.Unless you were there you have nothing to talk about !I gave 400 hours to help dogs at that shelter. what do you do?

  21. Renee, only you say you volunteer at the shelter to help the animals,,,I don’t think so,,, its quality not the quantity. Logging in 400hrs of time, doing nothing. Isn’t impressive, as if you spend 5 min. picking up the poop. Pick up the poop, Renee. If you rally want to help the animals. Pick up the poop; don’t just take pictures of it. Obviously you have ulterior motives for Volunteering and it’s not for the animals.

  22. Yea, it’s to get her name in the paper; her 5 min. of fame has nothing to do with the animals. I think if the volunteers aren’t there to help they are the problem. Dr, BethVesco-mock needs to get a better handle on her volunteers

  23. Dr.Beth needs to stop wasting her time with VOLUNTEERS that don’t help. And ANIMAL ACTIVIST that don’t have any idea how to help. Just wanting to help, doesn’t. Maybe the new advisory board will help weed the NUTS out from those who really want to help with change.

  24. Renee Davis the first three photos are not from the shelter from where you volunteer from where you took the other pictures below, {correct.} Let me ask you then Renee Davis where did you take the first three pictures you don’t say that in your post just puppy mill? Where is this puppy mill, where you took the pictures? Maybe you should be reported to the Animal cruelty officers to investigate your home for this puppy mill!

  25. There are several defenders of the status quo posting comments, or maybe just a couple people posing to be more plural. Regardless, it's a person/s protecting the director's job. What else could it be? If they cared about animals, they couldn't/wouldn't be silent about the neglect that goes on, letting animals rot in their cages and die slow deaths from prolonged confinement and lack of attention. It's sad, the blind followers who think it's acceptable for animals to be confined to cages 24/7, sitting in their own excrement and languishing. The nerve to criticize volunteers and advocates who oppose those horrific conditions! The status quo defenders want a pound, a 2 million dollar killing machine. I admire the tremendous courage of Renee Davis for coming forward! I watched the ASCMV meeting on tv too. I see a tremendous waste of tax dollars with several ASCMV staff members and the shelter veterinarian ($85,000 salary) sitting at the 5 hour meeting and not even giving reports. What a joke! No accountablility while taxpayers pay for the killing because ASCMV doesn't have the leadership to provide services for better outcomes. How can anyone defend that?!

  26. Who holds the animal advocates accountable? They can lie, cheat and steal, twist half truths to fit their own agendas. With no one to, answers to. I question their motives, agendas, actions. Put them under a microscope as they have the director.

  27. I want to know why criminal charges haven’t been brought on RENEE DAVIS for Interring a city/county government building in a restricted area taking pictures and posting them online. Seems illegal to me

  28. Thank you for allowing the public a view of the terrible conditions present in our local shelter. I also have photos of scenes from this shelter, plus dates, times and personal interviews in the shelter. There will be a time when this is all made public. You will be due a public apology from voices like anonymous. Keep up the good work you are doing and never stop caring for the animals. I know many of you advocates can not reveal your sources, like myself, we will have our day! I am a voice never heard in this community until now. I promise you have not heard the last from me.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Thankyou for caring.We need your help now. If you can please get intouch with me or someone else.We will not reveal your identity.

  32. Why are we attacking Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley? What about the real source of the problem which is the community which doesn’t care about providing responsible and loving care for the pets they have. Even if we had the best facility and best trained and caring staff it wouldn’t reduce the amount of animals being neglected and abandoned. We need ordinances that would support the reduction of animals before they even get to the shelter. There are successful ordinances and laws in other States and cities that are proven to make enormous reduction of euthanasia rates. We need to focus all of our efforts in creating such laws and ordnance.

  33. stacy=holdat29=junemom97=bassetlover=bassethoundsdfw

  34. ==nmbassetlover=holdat29=junemom97=bassethoundsdfw======STACY

  35. ==nmbassetlover==

  36. Anonymous (and I'm sure you know which one I mean) is obviously an angry, misguided person who probably not only believes that dogs living in such appalling conditions is acceptable, but also believes things like council person at the last meeting who stated that ALL dogs should be chained. I would ask this person how many dogs or cats they have helped? By allowing these conditions to exist - and even supporting them - they are equally as guilty as the diretor and the Board that oversees the shelter. Badly, I might add.

    Many places throughout the US have a bigger probelm than LC has and manages to save far more dogs and keep them in clean conditions.

    I suspect anonymous is one of the volunteers who prefers to keep conditions like this so they really don't have to do any work.

    I've talked to a number of people who have been turned down as volunteers - probably becasue they have a background in shelter work and would expose this horror - and others who could not continue because of it.

    Remember, anonymous, if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.

  37. There is corruption with county Animal Control! Chris, I’m sure you know what I am talking about. You, knowing the shelter as well as you do. Talking / working with volunteers for hours. Let's fix the real proublems from beginning, shall we.

  38. Renee Davis I don’t see you answering any of the questions put to you. I see you crying, shaking your fist, demanding anonymous to reveal his/her identity, when you don’t agree. Who are you? Because of you and the others like you. I’m embarrassed for us volunteers who are there for the animals who REALLY there to help the animals and not for five minutes of fame. In reality the world is a big place and we can’t save them all, but we can help the one right in front of us. Regarding the dog in your picture. Who is there to walk or play or scratch under his chin? Not you! You can only hope another volunteer; not looking for fame is there. Don’t you think as volunteer you could have done better for that dog. You look like an Animal Activist not a Volunteer. I see the Animal Activists, month after month after month with excuse after excuse after excuse why they CAN’T / WON’T help the animals, volunteer or foster and now your one of THEM!

  39. Animal Activists ACTs of disregard
    They follow each other on their hot wind
    With no cause they go nowhere

  40. My definition of a volunteer is
    To help the animals feel loved for as long as I can
    To make them happy for as long as I can
    Even if it’s only for a few moments before they’re gone
    So another can take his place

  41. If you wanna make the world a better place. Take a look at your self and make a change.

  42. CHRIS, I see you deleted some blogs it doesn’t seem fair. What are you afraid of? The truth BEWARE fellow bloggers if you say anything good about the shelter or director you will be deleted

  43. Chris, I see you changed your blog top headline story of lies stating all those pictures were of ascmn…I’m glad you took your lawyers advice and changed that…

  44. It's clear by captions and information provided the first few photos are from a puppy mill and not ASCMV. If captions weren't provided, it would be hard to tell because the filth and lack of regard for animals warehoused in the trailor or double wide has likeness to puppy mills. Very sad. We should all be working to end this criminal warehouse situation. I don't understand how anyone can defend it unless they are protecting the director or management who have proved they can't lead. Defending the status quo isn't helping the animals at all.

  45. Has anyone called the Veterinary Board to check the status of Vesco's License? She is not a licensed Veterinarian, an issue with some things she did previously was questioned by the board in another state. If she is not a licensed Vet how can she refer to herself as that?
